Thursday, 5 May 2016

Behind The Scenes: Jolene In The Park

Hey y'all, QD here. This shoot was supposed to happen a few weeks ago but Jolene, our lovely model was super busy. So when shoot day came I was inspired by blue tones, Strelitzia, ocean vibes and blue skies. Which is why the collage is full of luscious blue. Although we found very little blue in the park (not even blue sky!), the shoot was still super fun and amazing.

Jo sent me a list of the clothes she wanted to wear and I searched the outfits on Pinterest. Visit her style shoot board: here.

Jolene told me about T-rex arms and it turns out that she's a pro at them. Look it up on Google if you don't know. Keep an eye out for her upcoming shoot pics.

Credits // Photography: QD. Model: Jolene Shaw - Instagram: @joleneshaw3